Tuesday, September 4, 2012

An Intro

We did it! We ran the Disneyland half marathon on Sunday! It's been a rough few months of training. Between my IT band acting up again and the ridiculous Southern California heat, training during the day has been dangerous! Just to get the runs in, we had to wait until nightfall to run. It's a good thing I lived in a safe part of Los Angeles.

Anyway, this blog is a place for us to post things we learn, questions we might have, or even just successes or things to inform runners.

We're still learning and growing as runners. Adam finished the half in 1:33:00 or so, and I in 2:00:00. He ran in high school, and up until a year ago, I didn't believe that I was built to run. Not even a little. Up until then, my nose would run, my knees would hurt, my asthma would act up, etc. We started with couch to 5k, and even on those 2 minute runs, I thought I was going to die. But perseverance prevailed and now I can say, a year later, I've done 3 half marathons and one 10k. What can I say, I'm a fighter?

Anyway, Adam is 29, I (My name is Briana, btw) am 26. So, welcome! Feel free to ask questions or leave comments, etc. Thanks for reading!

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